In 2017, almost 2,500 passengers have utilized the airport, including government entities, medical professionals, air tours, training, and business professionals. The airport has also played an important part in recent business developments, which has led to significant job creation. Additionally the public side of the terminal was able to be completely renovated this year.
Total Gallons of 100LL Fuel 13,889
Total Gallons of Jet A Fuel 22,281
Total Aircraft 884
Total Passengers 2,465
Business Flights 246
Local 111
Customs 151
Training 129
Homeland Security 7
USCG + Auxiliary 16
Medical Professionals 8
Transient Visitors 123
Air Ambulance 58
Future improvements include parking lot seal coating, pilot lounge renovations, fuel farm upgrades, HVAC improvements, and a tree removal project in the approach involving the business spur.
Don’t forget our Airport Open House & Movie in a Hangar on Friday, September 28th starting at 6pm.
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